The ETH Campus
ETH Zurich’s two main locations are situated in the centre of Zurich and on Hönggerberg. Both offer a full range of services around teaching, research, and knowledge transfer, as well as sports facilities. MScLA students will have access to everything the ETH- Domain has to offer.
The Department of Architecture
[D-ARCH] is a dynamic, technologically experimental research and teaching environment – driven by an engagement in social, ecological and sustainable topics focused on the design of architecture, landscape architecture, cities and their territories.
Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS)
The LUS institute focus is on the production of landscape and human settlements through a range of different scales, from the local to the global, including studies in landscape and designed ecologies, design strategies, energy and food production, material stocks and flows, health and socio-economic development.
Network City and Landscape (NSL)
Through research and teaching, Network City and Landscape (NSL) aims to lay the foundations for a design of our environment that meets human needs, is sustainable, and has high aesthetic and cultural qualities, while finding a means to make this design available to the public.
Landscape Visualization and Modeling Lab (LVML)
The LVML is a center for landscape research and teaching capable of supporting trans- disciplinary planning and design through advanced 3D visualization and modeling techniques.
The Garden of the XXI Century Zürich
The garden of the XXI century in Zurich is located at the north-facing edge of Campus Hönggerberg with a size of roughly 1000 m2 and a rectancular shape of 30 x 40 meters. It plays a key role in the education of students of landscape architecture as it’s a place in which the different topics of the courses and research are explored.
Rapid Architectural Protoyping Laboratory
The RAPLAB D- ARCH manages a comprehensive infrastructure for model- making and prototyping that extends from traditional to computer- controlled (CNC) equipment and is complemented by a specialized material shop.
IT Support & Computer Rooms
The department of architecture offers its members different central and decentralized IT services for teaching and education.
Libraries and Publishers
Relevant libraries and publishers at the D-ARCH.
Sport Center Hönggerberg
ASVZ offers a wide range of sports and activities for students and staff members at the ETH Hönggerberg Campus.
La Boîte
La Boîte provides a space where leftover building materials can collectively be stored, exchanged and reused. In HIL and ONA.
Gastronomy Hönggerberg
Canteen and eateries at the ETH Hönggerberg Campus
Architektura is the professional association of architecture students at ETH Zurich. It represents the interests of students in the Department of Architecture. It is part of the umbrella organization of students, the VSETH.
IT Shop: Projekt Neptun (online)
Projekt Neptun has its roots at ETH. Nowadays it is part of the non-profit foundation "Stiftung Studenten-Discount (SSD)". Since over 20 years Projekt Neptun aims to give students access to high-quality laptops at favourable prices. The offers are only available within selling windows called "Waves".
gta Exhibitions
As part of the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta), we present the teaching and research of the Department of Architecture (D-ARCH).
The exhibitions are developed collaboratively with researchers, students, artists and architects at the ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg campus.
PLOD webshop
Students can print files in large format and at a low price by themselves at three locations, using Plot on Demand.